Tuesday, March 09, 2010

To revitalise a blog you need something good to say.

It is fair to say that since 2008 my blog has gone stale. In a sense Twitter subverted a lot of the potential blog traffic, a phenomenon not just limited to myself. Whereas in the past you had no other outlet you can now quickly blast out small messages to a core audience on Twitter, which is great if you do not have time to properly develop content for your blog.

The blog still has its place. Monologuing, quality - well developed - posts, and other article-length tirades. It is fair to say that I find blogging to be very daunting, first off it’s a permanent record. I cringe when I look back at some of my early posts. Secondly it requires proper writing skills, which I suspect I do not have (I have no way of telling). Thirdly, you need something good to say.

When I look at my traffic stats I can quickly pick out posts that were hits, and posts that were misses. Based on that I can see that there is definitely a demand for Enterprise-Level articles related to the Mac. My most popular post, by a large margin, is one that dealt with configuring LDAP in your OS X Address Book (see Apple Address Book and Microsoft Exchange (LDAP) ). This brings me back to “having something to say”.

As I try to pick this blog back up by it’s bootstraps I am going to try and focus on the things I understand and know, expect to see some posts related to OS X, Information Security, Open Source.

If you are still listening, I hope to get to know you - drop me a comment - let me know what you are interested in, and lets see where this road takes us.


Charles said...

My apologies for replying to a 9 month old post, but I think it would be great if you could revisit your "Use Address Book with Microsoft Exchange using LDAP " tip and update it for use with Outlook:Mac 2011.

stephanbuys said...

Hi Charles,

Thanks for the feedback. The idea behind the original blogpost was to enable Apple Address Book users to configure LDAP correctly.

Outlook:Mac uses native Exchange protocols to connect to Microsoft Exchange and should need no further configuration (ie. as soon as your account connects mail, contacts and calendar should "Just Work").